Info - Project CIR

Cross-cultural differences in Internet-based relationships

C. LEUNG (Melbourne) & B. ROHRMANN (Melbourne)

= Project outline =

Internet-based personal relationships, often called "online romance", are becoming more common in recent years. How computer-mediated communication (CMC) influences personal relationships has great potential as a topic for academic research. CMC is multi-disciplinary, concerning psychology, sociology, anthropology and communication studies. It also offers cross-cultural research opportunities as it occurs on an international level.

In this project, two issues were investigated:
*    How Internet-based personal relationships are evaluated, established and maintained.
*    The differences between Caucasian Australian or Hong Kong Chinese individuals in such relationships.

There are 2 phrases involved in this research:
*    Phase 1 -- participants are asked to answer some general questions about Internet contacts and to complete a set of questionnaire via email. It  takes about 15-30 minutes to complete.
*    Phase 2 (four weeks later) -- an "online interview" is conducted personally by the investigator, using the participant's preferred chat program (e.g. ICQ, IM, MSN). The interview takes approximately 15-30 minutes.


A thesis has been completed by C. Leung (supervised by B. Rohrmann), and main findings were presented on a Psychology congress.  A journal article is currently under preparation.

= Contact address =

Prof. Bernd ROHRMANN, via
Roman Research Road venture, Melbourne, Victoria 3054, AUSTRALIA
E-Mail: mail {at}

Christa LEUNG
Dept. of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, AUSTRALIA
Phone +61 3 8344 4302 Fax 93476618  E-Mail

BR 27-02-02